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Report Spartathlon 2022



The start before the start was quite exciting. At Stuttgart Airport we had to face our first adventures and had contact with the airport police. However, this went off lightly and needs no further explanation.

Arrived in Athens we got our rental car and drove to the hotel. This was 200m from the sea.



After a short night and a good breakfast, we went to the start number issue about a kilometer away.

All kinds of nations were represented and it was back in a relaxed atmosphere. In the room we then made the plan for the run.

In the afternoon a short running session at over 30 degrees,

then eat delicious pasta.

That night was also short, as the alarm clock rang at 4:30 am.



I drove off towards the Acropolis shortly after 6 a.m. and got lost shortly before. My first thought was: I'll miss the start, it's off to a good start. I then turned off the navigation system and drove to the signs. At some point I saw supporters and was relieved. Grabbed the camera and ran. Then met Scott 15 minutes before the start. A few warm words and congratulations, then it started. The start was a big event with a fantastic backdrop.

Then off to the car and towards Megara. You think rush hour in Athens is no fun!

After what felt like an eternity, I was on the highway towards Corinth and passed many runners.

In Megara the checkpoint was after 43km at the old gas station. The supporters from all over the world were excited and waited for the first runner in the heat.

Scott arrived at a good time around 10.30am and reported pain in the leg, scale 2-3.

We continued on the coastal road in the direction of Corinth with a beautiful panorama.


Only after 80km was the next meeting point: Corinth.

The checkpoint was in an industrial area and was fairly nondescript. Totally overflowing with supporters and helpers.

Scott came staggering across the timing mat in the blistering heat with 15 minutes to go. A conversation was not possible because he was not really receptive.

After being provided with ice cream and drinks, we continued towards Ancient Corinth.


Since Scott had miscalculated the distance, the lead shrank a bit.

So again nothing to do with resting for him.

Drink, take gels, fresh drinking bottles and off we went towards Zevgolatio.

After more than 100km it was getting dark here.

Same procedure as before,

plus headlamp with headband for padding.

Now the hitherto smooth ride went off the road and on sandy paths in the dark towards Halkion Village.

This checkpoint was way too narrow and totally overcrowded. The result was several traffic jams due to a lack of space.

Scott leveled off again about 15 minutes before cutoff. With three crosses, the journey continued sandy towards Ancient Nemea.


In Nemea, an ambulance blocked the way. A runner with circulatory problems.

Scott arrived around 10:45 p.m.

No time to relax.

It continued wavy into the night.


In Malandreni at km 140 we only saw each other briefly, Scott went on full of energy.

I could sleep in the car for 30 minutes at a time.


In Lirkia, Scott was able to lie down for 5 minutes. He was now at km 148. Crazy.


I had a lot of respect from the next checkpoint at the mountain base in front of the Sangas Pass. One way, narrow, crowded. The way up was sometimes only possible in first gear. Poor car, even poorer runners! In serpentines towards the highest point.

In addition, traffic jams again, because the road was just too narrow and many had to drive down to the next checkpoint.

Scott came on edge this time just seconds before the cutoff. Ui!


With a queasy feeling I went down towards Nestani.

For Scott, it was all about the sangas. It was now 5:10 a.m. and it was getting light.


In Nestani it was difficult to park again. 30 minutes of sleep and off to the checkpoint.

Cutoff was 7:30 a.m. I got there before 7 a.m. and waited. Scott had made up some time up on the Sangas. Strong!

The clock was ticking. Just before cutoff no Scott in sight. I'll talk to the official... Cutoff, the race is over.

I'm in tears!

Scott is eight minutes late at the checkpoint after 170km after Nestani.

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